Sunday 30 January 2011

Feedback 30.1.11

Anisha, this is a good start but you need to do more from home. You need to add your sketched contnents page to the prelim task post. You then needf to analyse pages from real magazines. Work through the research tasks in your own time please. You must be ready to start planning by thursday.

Mrs A

Saturday 29 January 2011


The music magazine I am going to create is going to be aimed at teenagers I think this is a good idea as  most people who buy music magazines are teenager's, therefor if I am successfull in grabbing the teenage audience to buy this magazine the magazine company would be making alot of profit. My music magazine is going to be based on the HipHop/R&B genre as this is a verry popular music genre in the teenagers and there are already alot of music magazines that exist for this genre eg: "Vibe" which are verry popular, however I am also going to try and make this magazine appeal to both genders male and female so ther's a wider range of audience for this magazine. Therefor the USP for my music magaznes will be that it's aimed at both genders.

Preliminary task

Firstly I had to research the conventions of a magazine, I then created a magazine for St Marys College as a preliminary task. To do this I had to take a professional picture of a student, and then use photoshop to cut the model out so a could change the background. I then thought carefully about what colour combinatons would go together, however I think this magazine cover I created would not appeal to all the students as, i've use bright pink and used a female student as the model for the cover therefor I think this magazine would appeal to the female audience as this cover would attract more females attention. I have made use of a my model by making her dominate the page however while trying to do this i think the image has become out of proportion as it looks squashed and stretched.As well as having a photograph which dominates the front cover I have also followed other conventions of magazine's eg: Taglines, date, issue number and barcode. However I could have made it look more like a magazine cover by adding a few more photo's or college logo, a few more tagline's and a price.

Sunday 23 January 2011

Initial Ideas

My initial ideas for my music magazine is R&B/Hiphop I am going to aim it at a teenage audience. I am going to make use of the colours Black, White, Pink and Red for the front cover of ths magazine, to help me to create ths magazine I am going to use the music magazine "Vibe" which already exists as my inspiration. For this task I am going to create a front cover, contents page and a double page feature article/Interview on a famouse singer from this music genre.

Magazine Conventions

All magazines follow the same conventions as they all have a front cover which is dominated by a celebrity or someone that the targeted audiences look up to, and lots of bright colours are used on the cover to make the magazine eyecatching. All magazine covers also have a title, slogans, and give us brief information about what that particular magazine is about. Magazine cover is almost like a shop window as it is selling itself. Magazines which are targeted for males would have a attractive female model/celeb on the cover to attract the male audience or vise versa, however a magazine that  is targeteg to the female audience might also have a female on the cover as this could attract females who look up to that model/celeb as there role model. Most magazines feature articles, reviews, photo's etc. Articles/intevriews are usually spread onto double pages in a magazine and are usually typed up into 3 columns on each page. There can be different kinds of magazine eg: monthly and weekly.
Music magazines would usually have a singer who appeals to that kind of music genre eg: hip hop, and would feature the latest hits, singer interviews etc.