Sunday 23 January 2011

Magazine Conventions

All magazines follow the same conventions as they all have a front cover which is dominated by a celebrity or someone that the targeted audiences look up to, and lots of bright colours are used on the cover to make the magazine eyecatching. All magazine covers also have a title, slogans, and give us brief information about what that particular magazine is about. Magazine cover is almost like a shop window as it is selling itself. Magazines which are targeted for males would have a attractive female model/celeb on the cover to attract the male audience or vise versa, however a magazine that  is targeteg to the female audience might also have a female on the cover as this could attract females who look up to that model/celeb as there role model. Most magazines feature articles, reviews, photo's etc. Articles/intevriews are usually spread onto double pages in a magazine and are usually typed up into 3 columns on each page. There can be different kinds of magazine eg: monthly and weekly.
Music magazines would usually have a singer who appeals to that kind of music genre eg: hip hop, and would feature the latest hits, singer interviews etc.

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