Tuesday 1 February 2011

Analaysing a contents page

I decided to analyse this content page as it is from the magazine Vibe and I am aiming to make my magazine like vibe, therefor this contents page should help me to decide how the layout of my magazine contents page should be. However I think this contents page looks very dull and boring as it's mostly Grey and Black therefor its not eye catching, the font is also very small and black which I don't think will make the readers want to read it, I think they should have used less text for the information about what is on the pages  as this will make the audience read it as it would look less boring. However I like the way they have put subheadings like "features" and "fashion" as this helps the audience to find what there looking for quicker as they can simply look under that subheading. I also like the way they've put a famous celebrity from that genre on the page as people who buy this magazine will be his fans as his famous for singing in that genre. They have also made him stand out by placing a red heart where his heart should be, this really stands out as it's the only bright colour on the page, and the way they have a hand coming out from the back on top of that makes it really stand out to the audience as this is something unusual and the person behind isn't shown only the arm is therefor it makes it really different and engages the audience. I also think the way they've stuck to the theme of this magazine being vibe is really good, as they have kept the letter "V" in  big bold font this reminds the readers which magazine they are reading, however they have covered it slightly with the celebrity, this shows the picture dominates the page.
When I make my contents page I think I will be using this layout, as I want to keep a picture that dominates the page and the pages information on the side with subheadings, however I am going to try and make my contents page look a bit more attractive by using a lot of attractive colours and a few more pictures.

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