Tuesday 8 February 2011

Analysing Band images

I chose to analyse the JLS band's Beat again album cover as I like the way it doesn't use a lot of colours and then in the middle of the background there's a band with colours as these colour's represent each person of the band, as they all have there own colours in this band eg: the Blue behind Aston represents him. This band in the background stands out as not much colour has been used on this cover and the band is the only bright thing there therefor it immediately catches the audiences attention. This album is mainly aimed at female audience as it has for male's on the cover, to catch females attention, if it was aimed at males there would also have been a female on it or the male band on the cover wouldn't have been dressed up as they don't want to be impressing the male audience.

I chose to analyse this album cover of Rihanna as I think this represent the R&B genre very well and it appeals to both genders male and female as this photo of Rihanna is very attractive and so it will instantly catch the male audiences attention, which will help to sell the album and it also appeal to the female audiences as they look up to her as a role model. I think the way they have made use of the different shades of Red really works out well as it makes it look different to other album's, and the colour red also connotes passion, and love so it gives the audience an idea of what kind of songs will be in this album and it gives Rihanna a characteristic in front of the public.

I chose to analyse this poster/wallpaper of T.I as it looks very attractive to the female and male audience because it portrays an image of a man who has witnessed and experienced alot in his life. Also, as we ccan see that his facial expressions are those which indicate, arrogance and superiority. In context of what he is wearing (Millitary jacket's) it shows dominance and authority. This is a typical R&B picture as most rappers have this kind of life. 

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