Sunday 13 February 2011

Planning photoshoot

My idea for the front cover of my magazine is to have a female model who dominates the cover, she is going to be dressed in a hoody, jeans and a cap I am going to make her dress like this as this will make the magazine appeal to both genders. As if she was to wear a dress it would set the picture that this magazine is femanine. By making her wear a hoody it will make it appealing to the male audience as these kind of clothes represent R&B and the male's gender, also the model being female will attract the male audience. I think this will also work well to attract the female audience as I am going to make her look like a professional singer so they will look up to her as a role model.

For the contents page I am going to have a different model, who is going to be wearing a long dress, this photo will taken in front of a white sheet and she will be dressed in dark colours so it creates a contrast and she stands out also the writing on my contents page will be same colour as her dress so it creates a combination. I will be using low key lightin for this as I want the model look mysteriouse. This model will dominate this page however I will also be taking photographs of this model together with my other model's to put as smaller photographs onto my contents page.

For the article in my magazine I will again be using a different model, she will be dressed glamorous as she's going to be the main celebrity in my magazine. I will be taking a medium shot of her singing for the main phtograph of this article however I will also be taking long shot pictures of her for the smaller photographs will also be on the article.

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