Friday 4 February 2011

Analysing a magazine article

I chose to analyse this article from a music magazine as it has all the conventions of a article/interview that would be in a music magazine. It has been spread on a double page as the first page has her photo on and the second page has the article. The interview has been typed up into 3 columns, this is how I am going to layout the article for my music magazine as this is a important magazine article convention. This article also has a title and subtitle, the heading title introduces the artist to us (the audience) it is written in capitals and bigger size font than the rest of the writing on the page so it stands out and grabs the audiences attention straight away making them wan to read on as Madonna is a very famous singer, so a lot of people would want o read about her. The subtitle helps to give us an idea what the article is about. Under the main heading it also acknowledges the names of who the article has been done by. There are also bits in this article which are written in bold this has been done on purpose to emphasise the point that these are important points of the article to the readers. I also like the way they have made use of pastel colours for this article as different shades of blue's are used for the title etc and the background for the article is white, and the photo also doesn't have a lot of colors as tin this photo she isn't wearing much make up, they might have done this to connote innocence and the type of songs she sing's eg: if this article was about nelly maybe hey would use dark colors and colors which connote teenagers, violence etc. This photo also looks attractive this is done so females look up to her and read the article and so male audience find her attractive and read it.

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